I’ve explained this in whispers

Too bad everyone just ignored my posts to suit their narrative

Brak just because you say something to players in whispers… it doesn’t make it true.
It doesn’t mean you’re good.

Your claim feels weird considering others’ abilities.

Anyways 2 Kills tonight means that town likely loses tomorrow. Which is why I’m trying not to be MLd

Brakuren. People thinking you are lying is not ignoring your posts to suit their narrative. They just think you are not telling the truth.


Yeah ik. But it adds reasoning to why I kept questioning other people’s abilities

May do you think atlas is actually the damsel rather than just a minion fortune teller

Let me check my whispers with him again

I think that fortuneteller is just a random bluff

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Except you are.

For me to be Marionette Demon:

  1. Could target N1 for some reason
  2. I knew I was Marionette Demon 30 seconds into D1
  3. No one whispered me to inform me I was Demon
  4. I knew my fake claim 20 seconds into the game, and had a good lizards fake claim in my first game of BoTC
  5. I said Tutuu was a target even though as Demon I would have no incentive to
  6. Even though I knew I was Demon I played Best Actor with the Someone Whispers
  7. I dared someone to hammer me when I was literally flag bearer
  8. I decided to fake claim revolutionary with Magnus for 0 benefit
  9. I said that I “Hope I was marionette” for no reason.
  10. I kept asking Litten to check me, knowing it would lose the game if he did
  11. I didn’t vote SDA when it would have been beneficial since if a dead person voted me at the last second I would die
  12. I realized I was killing people N1
  13. All of my kills have been prevented

Tinfoiling going hard ong

I dont have an appropriate gif on hand for returning to thread :pensive:

12 and 13 are objectively false. Also it’s possible that you show up differently since you’re a marionette and marionettes usually think they’re good, so you could register as good.

You realize how insane it is to argue any of the other points lmao

Me realizing I’m demon N2 is problematic as well

Because then why would I claim Tutuu target?

7, double bluff exists. Plus if Someone was evil and realised you were evil it’s not something to be afraid of.
Actually… when did this happen? If it was when I disabled Someone then it’s because you know I’m good lol, so you wouldn’t need to be scared.

8, keeps you alive longer and gets Magnus in your good books.


Double bluff then, plus you kinda didn’t seem as interested in some things this game.

Except it doesn’t. There was so much spotlight on us after we claimed it, it would have zero benefit

Are you kidding me? Magnus defended you for so long because of that.