And for my first game of BoTC I made an excellent lizards fake claim that encompasses complexities of the game that I wouldn’t understand? Ok

You said Silviu hadn’t been paying attention because they called you evil. You have literally claimed evil



Excellent? No.
Fake, yeah, you got that part perfect.

I am not starting evil

You started knowing you were the Demon and Storytellers gave you a bluff as part of your Marionette anility

“This Person is Lying” =/= “I’m going to ignore all logic arguments with evidence that this person provides”

This doesn’t sound like it should count

I am sorry Someone, I didn’t clarify.

From lockevil, I mean confirmed evil, not neccessarilly starting evil.

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Thats not how marionette works

The people you are looking for is starting evil, when you list people like that, you assume there is 1 evil left

Brakuren you literally fake claimed something which aligns up with Leafia’s day 1 public claim.
You can’t act like you can’t fake that lol

demon can’t publicly guess the damsel right? i mean their thing doesnt work, it has to be a minion. is the normal botc role, right? if so, then atlas isn’t a minion right? if we’re assuming standard damsel mechanics. so are they the demon?

yea ik, but its hella misleading

It’s mutated. It could work in any way

Oh wow. I wonder if I doubted Leafia’s d1 fake claim

The only one that can shabaloth-guess me is the very one who had that role that I’ve learnt. Which is either Atlas or Amelia, reminder neither of these people even spoke to each other.

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Leafia Day 1 claimed her ability.
And Brakuren’s like “Oh how did I make up a townsfolk Leviathan?”

Maybe because… a townsfolk leviathan… was outed D1.
