Anyways I think Amelia is just a better vote here due to:

V! SDA having a mech PoE on them
And if W! SDA we have another day

I guess that means it’s not Kiiruna/Amelia because that would require all three and I’m sure there is a wolf within Someone/Bionic

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Also make outsider count make sense if I’m evil. That’s… pretty hard

It’s not like there are roles that manipulate outsider count

Ah yes.

The Fisherman, Damsel, Mayor… my favourite outsider manipulation characters.

Nobody has chosen Godfather or anything like that

Bionic never claimed

Who said it had to be a living player that manipulated the outsider count

Noble ping has me and Bionic.
Bionic did claim.

Outsider Saint: If you are not mad that you are important, you might be executed

Does your ability drunk abilities give to them by other people?

What does that mean?

Yes I understand that, but all noble ping really does is makes it so that V! Otter means W/W Kiiruma/Amelia isn’t possible

W Otter W Amelia
Or W Otter W Kiiruma

Are still possibilities

Say atlas is a townsfolk and got an ability

Oh yeah from the elections right? Idk. I can check later. I’m on mobile atm

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Magnus claimed to me Amelia was drunk n2

And there were no demon kills n2

If Otter is a W, Otter is a minion.

Otter’s given beneficial abilities to themselves, me and Atlas.

Otter’s noble pings make sense.
My disabling of Someone’s ability is proven to have happened.

Atlas :man_shrugging:

They could be a demon

Wait how many people voted Otter day 1