They did

What about the 2 kills last night?
Neither of which is me nor Otter

Who voted for otter d2

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That thing is huge on my phone holy shit

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Oh true.
But if we are going by
“Only town counts”
Only 2 town voted Otter, 2 town died

Only Otter.

But that’s the same as D3 and D4 I believe

Kiiruma what are you currently thinking on guessing

I’m happy to do Otter and Atlas but I’m fairly sure Atlas is just evil. Sadly this is the only way to do it in which I’m not fucking around with misregistrations

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I think Atlas is good

You… what

Yeah I think Atlas is townsfolk

Wait a sec, what’s the evil team you’re building?

I feel like we are missing something because it feels too easy otherwise


Starting evils

Idk about the rest

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/breaking legs

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/break @Silviu200530 @Atlas

that’s painful

You can break me, but you can’t take my hope away

so how did it go gang