Well it said that IF one of Kiiruma’s neighbours was killed he’d need to guess prior to deaths. It didn’t confirm the order of operations that actually occurred last night

When did you recieve it

I think it was saying
“You need to guess who you neighbored because you received this prior tondeaths0

this would be a lie if it wasn’t prior to deaths

Well I think he asked “What would happen if a player I was poisoning died”

No it wouldn’t

reposting this for visibility

reasonable assumptions:

  1. if atlas was starting demon, atlas’ minions would have attempted to make the reasonable play of contact her to warn her about silviu’s role

  2. if atlas was a minion turned demon, she would make the reasonable play of not holstering a kill

  3. if atlas was a minion turned demon, the STs would decide to give her a demon that can kill immediately as opposed to one that can’t

  4. if atlas was starting demon, she wouldn’t decide to purposefully make herself scummy by guessing the silviu role for the sole sake of making a wifom defense

  5. atlas hasn’t whispered with anyone who could have told her about silviu’s role

for atlas to be evil, one or more of these things are not true this game

imo Silviu should have been guessing every day too because if you get a demon that can kill…

i forgot, may told me about it

atlas could still be the exact minion who knew of silviu. i have no argument against that

'm curious
depending on the order of kiis thing (i cant twll cause im sick) could the gimmick be silviu had to tell kii, if kii didnt already know their real role?

no wait

that means i guessed, and then i probably had a kill

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right yeah it falls under my previous points

very well

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atlas would have to be evil with magnus. but magnus is supposed to be town

but not guaranteed

so in my mind. the only viable world for atlas evil is

unless w/w/w with brakuren amelia

its still atlas with magnus. unless that got disproven earlier and i forgot about it, sorry

that requires magnus jumping to me, i think

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or jumping at all
i dunno why else they’d die

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they are either town who got NKed by the demon

or demon who jumped

so never a minion?

i mean outsider, w/e. good alignment

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i think?
i can’t think of a minion role that’d benefit from dying that wouldn’t be publically seen

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magnus is never a starting minion right?

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