and I did it!

wait did Someone really start as a townsfolk lol

And I wouldn’t tell you to do that if I was evil! I’m polarixed! I don’t bus!

and we’re 100% sure Someone is evil

I am a fabled

what happens if i claim goblin what then

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I revoke your goblin privileges

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fuck you

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what makes us sure amelia isn’t the demon lol

you revoke my goblin privileges?


They are claiming to currently be the demon.

More specifically I am Lim Ei Legba

Let’s throw hands

I could read you in the same way that I read Arctic, where it was foolproof until you both started acting evil and everyone agreed with me when I pointed it out.

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No marshals sorry for the confusion

but that doesn’t mean they arne’t tho right? why cant it just be them lol

that’s so complicated how do I explain it

okay so there’s this role right

it learns an in play character each night

so theres this lake

Yes 100%