Leafia’s role (Leviathan) was seen by Silviu and Kiiruma on the night she died, as following Kiiruma’s ability. That isn’t a greencheck, it just confirms she wasn’t lying about her character.

That’s just if you’re looking at the game mechanically, which is sometimes a fool’s errand for a rolemadness, but it’s worth pointing out since w!Leafia is a prolific liar.



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Cant tell if your insulting or complementing her lmao

It’s possible that either Someone or Bionic has an ability that says they might register as Good. Of course, Someone did also hammer Bionic, but…

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Both are openwolfing, and both are claiming what I believe to be impossible roles.


ok so whats my role

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I want predictions

What!! How am I supposed to know!! I just think it’s not what you’re claiming!!

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So im not Vizier?

I think you’re a fucking Vizier, obviously, I just think your ability is not what you’re claiming

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Ok so like what is it

Just give your best guess

if an evil has an ability that registers as good in this closed script lizard game then thats the equivalent of a godfather closed mafia setup fmpov ergo bastard. maybe there is a consensus expectation in the botc community to always be on the lookout for godfathers but i wouldnt know about it

anyway, even if thats the case, id argue thats a good thing. if there is an evil i miscleared - such as someone or magnus - that means we have less evil to find

so that would mean two town and one evil in SDA Atlas Brakuren

i think that the most important and relevant thing is - worst case and realistic scenario - two evil one good in SDA Atlas Brakuren. Do you agree with that much?

Actually looking at your words, the realistic concern would be Kiiruma evil. Like Kiiruma demon

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Philosopher (Minion): Once per game during the night, choose a townsfolk role. You become a mutated version of that role.

Alchemist (Minion): Each day, you must be mad that you are the vizier. The host will pretend you are the vizier.

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Outsider count. Plus I’m the most trusted Outsider. My ability is very loud and proven, deaths wouldn’t add up.

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Misreg is very common and present in the base TB script, the one for beginners, in both Spy (Godfather) and Recluse (Miller)

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right but that’s an open setup

omg the alchemist is so ass lmao

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It is also not present in any other script and is on like 1 unreleased character


I forgot about zombuul im a fraud

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