
This card indicates that you are engaging in a conflict of some nature. It can also suggest a disagreement with others, which leads to hostility and tension. Despite the fact that you think you’ve won, you might still lose in the big picture, because you have annoyed or hurt those that you have argued with, and as a result, you are on the road to isolating yourself. Perhaps, at the moment, you believed that it was more important to be right rather than appreciate and understand where the other side was coming from.

Right now, it’s important to attempt to pick up the pieces. You still have the chance to act while the conflict is still fresh. You may feel as if everyone and everything is against you. You might also lose some friends along the way. This is why you will need to make a significant decision about your point of view. What is more important to you? Mutual progress, or winning? This might require you to stand up to a conflict within yourself.

What is more important to you? Mutual progress, or winning?

The card represents ambition in a way which is rather negative. Too much ambition without actual regard to the consequences or the people that you affect is never something good. Misplaced ambition such as the one depicted by this card can leave you as a dejected loser or a callous winner – in both cases, the connotation is rather negative. This card instead asks us to be more considerate of those that we surround ourselves with, to let go of ego.

I kinda forgot about the saint thing


What was may’s actual ability anyway there is no way that was a greencheck

I’m laughing so hard
My tarot predicted damsel


ugh i dont know what if its atlas damsel + brakuren demon

what if wolves have an ability that lets them do hidden whispers or something i dunno

we’ve had no feedback of any wolf roles sans someone who we think wasn’t even a starting evil

3 minions that left no public footprint

where is their impact on the game?

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one of them is the damsel okay but what are the other two

thats why I dont know why were putting so much stock into mech we dont know what evils could even do about it

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plus its a social deduction game nerds

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Spy (Minion): You have access to the host account. Once, the Storyteller may declare your ability publicly.


evils are just actually in charge of the game

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my previous game all minions had impactful roles

one was a 1-shot vig

one was a role that could transform a wolf to any other wolf role including resetting the vig shot and also changing the demon and changing town roles and god knows what else

one was a role that could register as good and royally fucked over another town role and could use a bunch of town abilities like a joat

and here its radio silence. so im scared. what if the minion roles here have 50 lines of text across 10 paragraphs

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again, if im damsel, you will win when no-kill happens after f4

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i mean yeah sure we will just chop u tomorrow if we chop brakuren today and what you said happens

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it took me a moment to realise what these minions were


1-shot strongman vig*


theres a decent possibility demon kills a dead player to frame me in f5
but they’d never no-kill if killing would lead to a victory in f3

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yeah i just thought of that

why do they call finishing a drink “polishing off” instead of “lying on the floor and curling a bottle of whiskey and crying”

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only thing i have in my notes is to make sure silviu asks if atlas’s amensiac thingy would have counted as a submission for a guess

and to make sure marluna votes on the top wagon along with everyone whatever they wagon may be

other than that i think i cant input anything more. i dont think anyone else can add anything, we can just wait on silviu + waiting on day to end

i mean from the point of bringing mech points to the table

other than that its just discussing social reads, thoughts etc, could go endlessly tthere

but like the mech talk is i think over

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