Undertale Yellow song spoiler

IMG_3534 UTY OST - 131 END OF THE LINE_ IMG_3535

How I feel at the moment.

Brave the darkness that consumes the world.
Release the chaos that comes for us all.
Awaken the madness that strives for us all.
Kill those that stand in our absolute path.


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seven eleven

Is it Derps, Litten, Someone/Bionic, Amelia? Something like that?
Could switch Marluna in there too :man_shrugging:

I thought Derps, Litten were both good.
I think that Brak, Magnus make more sense as an evil duo but like aaaaaaa

I killed magnus

not the demon

You did what

They were marked what do you think that meant



Im never gonna get that right god damn it

Anyway either Brak/Magnus are both evil and you sniped an evil in which case, honestly you’re good.
Or Derps/Litten are both evil in which case fuck me lmao

I’ve been making evils, sober and healthy multiple times :upside_down_face:

I am evil, im not good

im also not mad

So you killed a person you think to be good?