i dont think amelia + atlas fits due to amelia’s actions. why not mischop brakuren and win?

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so i think chop brakuren

but again, not confident

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amelia didnt wait because they wanted to you to wifom gambit it


If it’s Amelia + Atlas then Amelia stays quiet, does a last second guess and boom, that’s all you need.
But since that’s ruled out now it’s either Brak + Amelia or Brak + Atlas. And Brak fits both worlds, so that’s our correct execution

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they either wanted you to think what youre thinking, or think that what youre thinking is what they want you to think, and think the other thing, or think that they want you to to think is that they want you to think that they want you to think the other thing

i think that this is a “i wont press my win button” scenario

if we mischop brakuren here and evil atlas + evil amelia wins, i think you two would have also won if amelia didn’t out immediately and did it last second


I’d lean that it’s Brak + Atlas because Atlas wants Amelia chopped instead of Brak lol

it also opens the world of “amelia is minion” instead of always “amelia is demon”

Silent amelia always evil amelia

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The mastermind of Danganronpa is now masterminding our own killing game. Though we’re hunting for demons not blackened.

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Who what when how why where

im not dying on a hill to argue something i know is false
also im now too hungover to process anythijg

Litten. It was revealed before that by someone too, so just ignore em

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God I so regret not opting to spectate in that game, I am SO curious about it

I only know tidbits from Icibalus’ danganrompa how to kill essay

not that I don’t trust you guys I just think it’s fallacious to think that Amelia would be playing optimally when they haven’t done anything all game

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if we chop non-damsel minion amelia that might not even lose because damsel atlas didn’t kill last night. maybe she can’t kill, could have a chance

i am fine with any choice, personally my heart is fluttering between brak + atlas and brak + amelia as the demons but im content with any chop. we done our best

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killing 3 would be losing
or at least out atlas super hard

just in case i missed it - i wont be part of kiiruma’s ability tonight right? because i wasnt told to betray/cooperate