we shouldnt be wasting too much deadvotes

I don’t think Bionic would stay out of the thread instead of just messing around and having fun by joining at the last moment.

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Remember to use your tags.

We literally had the world and now we’re killing against it.
You recognised that Brak would pick Marionette, right?

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whoever is deadvoting - anticipate cfd

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I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m missing something

i just thought so idk i wouldnt say recognize

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May. Please.
Bionic has come out of the woodworks last fucking second.


whoever is voting - pls have a vote prepared to cfd

if u dont think u can be fast - remove dead vote and let me do it i can try to be ready to snipe

I go with my gut, the same gut that caught several deep wolves when no one else did, the same gut that was able to find fellow townies good when no one else could, the same gut that could consistently read Alice, and the same gut that is decent at reading people I have no meta on and getting accurate reads. I make mistakes, but I have learned that if I don’t trust my own gut I accidently shoot townies. There have been games in which I trusted a public shotlist and neglected my own gut feelings and guess what, I was right. Some things can’t be explained with “reason”, it just works. You should try trusting intuition more. I really don’t try to have a massive ego, it’s just I want people to recognize my gift.

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It’s the scenario that Atlas isn’t the starting Demon (Damsel being weird since there was only one unaccounted kill yesterday but w/e) and Marshal isn’t the Demon, so Amelia must be one of them either way, but.,

Kiiruma seems against me, I’m gonna vote the one she’s not voting


which, again, they NEVER do if I am the right elim. All it does is make it so that town is more incentivized to pile votes on one person. ( THAT PERSON IS ME ).

why do they do that if they want me to die. why not just lurk

it still lags

Marshal is cool


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yayyy :333 friends