I’m the Thief and the hosts are a Budget Bureaucrat.

maybe i shouldnt lolcat


Hey guys I can’t believe we executed the Saint



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dont worry someone reversed the game outcome this was calculated

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i want it to be known i am adding “botc” to my 1000-day self-ban after this


I dont know whats going on :sob:

Saint gaming in BotC

VOTE: Marshal

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Saving my vote at the hour.


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Ok this shouldnt taint your experience you got subbed in its totally different

With that Marshal has executed and dies…

Goodnight everyone. the game continues for another day


Content Warning: Flavor contains Death

The town stood around the dead body of Marshal with a feeling of dread.
Her last desperate pleas echoed in my ears. None of them went answered.
No matter what, this was over. This was the end.

My name is May. I was supposed to be going to Hope’s Peak Academy right now, under the title of the Ultimate Sting Operative (Townsfolk Pit-Hag). When we got thrust into this killing game, I had the help of my friend Silviu, the Ultimate Biochemist (Townsfolk Shabaloth) to set traps for the people masterminding it. Silviu knew there was somebody out there haunting them… most likely an accomplice. There were only two options, really, once he died.
Two people who beyond a shadow of a doubt met with him before his final moments. It should’ve been damning. It hurt me not to realise it sooner.
I raised my voice.
“Atlas, and Amelia.” Both students spun to face me. I met their cold gazes for a split second and took off my fedora. “Silviu was definitely haunted by someone before he died. Someone who wanted to expose his true identity.” I steeled my gaze at Atlas. “I don’t know your reasons. For the life of me, I can’t understand them. But…” I raised my finger at them, my heart filling with familiar fire. “You are the only one with motive and opportunity, Atlas. I disregarded you due to the actions of Tutuu, the Ultimate Propagandist (Townsfolk Zombuul), but our claims as the Ultimate Diviner are entirely unprovable and wholely manipulative. You knew about what you were hunting from the start of this whole ordeal but you never had a chance to get that information from Amelia: the only explanation is that you, Atlas, the Ultimate Opera Singer, are the Minion Damsel!
They spun around laughing, then removed their masquerade mask and curtsied. With a step she reached towards me, brushing my chin with a cold gloved hand. “But of course, sweetheart. I thought you’d never ask.”
I jumped back, my hat falling softly to the ground. Everybody was looking at us now. I had to press on. “Amelia.” I stepped towards them. “You are not the Damsel. You and Atlas never talked. So how did you know about the Damsel’s ability?”
They shrugged, pulling their headphones down around their neck “Do you really think I’m going to answer that?” A smirk flashed across their face. “If you’re so smart, why don’t you figure it out yourself?”
I advanced on them. “There’s one possible way that comes to mind. Marluna, the Ultimate Blackmailer (Townsfolk Spy) saw the existence of a Fisherman in the game, something that could give you advice on what to do. I believe that you, Amelia, are an information-based evil character!”
“I could use this scene for my new book. Your flame, your drive, it’s inspiring.”
“Tch. There’s one thing, though. We were dead set on Atlas being the Damsel. We were considering you and Marissa as possible masterminds. The timing of your claim looks like a Minion, but if it was, it was incredibly poorly thought out and didn’t work in swinging us off Marissa in the slightest.” Dread washed over me, sapping all my confidence. If this was true… “Amelia… are you the Demon?”
They flinched. For a split second, a glowing halo appeared over their head.
Wait a moment… that means…
I jumped towards my opponent, arm raised. “Amelia, the Ultimate Mangaka! You are the Minion with the Saint Ability!”
“Impressive… though, a little off about a few details you couldn’t possibly know.” They sat down and pulled out their drawing tablet, before meeting my eyes for the first time. “You’re mostly correct. I, however, am the Minion Kazali. In fact, the real person Marluna saw… is Atlas, the current Demon Fisherman.
A sharp pain erupted in the back of my head, robbing my vision and feeling. I scrabbled against the cobblestones to sit myself up. Above me stood Atlas, carrying a fishing halberd with a pearly orb in the blade. I snarled defiantly at them. “You can’t have killed anyone yet. We killed Marissa. It’s over. You’re done for, Atlas.”
Atlas flourished and pointed their mask at me dramatically, a sneer plastered on their face. “Have you ever wondered, sweetheart, why an Outsider would give you information pointing directly to the Demon’s identity?”
It did trouble me. Kiiruma, the Ultimate Pirate Captain’s powers did amazing harm to us, but also were critical in condemning Marissa as the mastermind. If he was supposed to be on their side, then… a doubt flashed in my mind. I wanted to trust, I wanted to believe, but I couldn’t deny that it was possible. I needed to talk to him again to allay my fears. “Kiiruma tricked Silviu and Marissa into killing Leafia, the Ultimate Museum Curator (Townsfolk Leviathan), and Litten, the Ultimate Psychic (Towsnfolk Oracle). That’s undeniable at this point.”
Atlas giggled. “Go on?”
I covered half my face with my hand. I needed all the help I could get to think. “Me, Litten, and Silviu all knew Amelia was shady from a while ago, so why didn’t we kill them earlier? They fell for my trap. They had the Saint’s ability. Everything could’ve been over so long ago… We had to kill Someone on the day that Kiiruma disabled their ability. We had to avoid Amelia the next day because of Kiiruma’s ability—” I didn’t want to believe it. It fit in too well. I wanted to believe it was just an elaborate frame job. I needed to talk to him face to face. “But… Kiiruma is never the mastermind. He’s killed, and that exonorates him from all the kills that aren’t him.” I needed to hold onto that hope.
“Looks like you’re doing a fine job torturing yourself without my help, darling.”
”Marissa is the only possible mastermind left,” I said, almost desperately. “Kiiruma and Otterpopd, the Ultimate Pop Idol’s abilities are confirmed. Marluna was brought back from the dead, during which time everything still happened. It can’t be you and Amelia. Even if Kiiruma is working with you, you can only kill one of Marluna and Otter before we put you to rest. I… it’s checkmate, Atlas.”
A new voice cut me off. “I think you’ll find, May, it’s checkmate for you.”
Kiiruma, the Minion Harlot, alongside Amelia, stepped up next to Atlas. He turned to them. “I’ll take it from here.” He drew his rapier and touched it to my neck.
“But… nobody but Marissa can be the mastermind!” I desperately wanted to believe that, to believe that the dark confidence they were dripping in was nothing but a ruse.
“Of course, Marissa, the Ultimate Florist, was the Townsfolk Leviathan.
That made total sense. Why would Kiiruma incriminate his own mastermind? But that meant—

What Derps, the Ultimate Journalist (Townsfolk General) had said suddenly made sense. I’d forgotten totally about that information because Kiiruma put a nice bow on it, but suddenly… everything was unraveling. She promised me something I never got. And of course, if somebody is confirmed only by their accomplices… they’re not really confirmed at all, are they?

“With eyes so bright they could rival her dreams, everyone’s faaaaaaaaaavorite mastermind takes the stage :star:~”
I got one look at those starry eyes before a throwing knife embedded itself in my heart, plunging the world into black.

Atlas died in the night.

As there are no living good players left to nominate the Demon, the game is over.

Amelia, Ultimate Mangaka — Minion Kazali
Atlas, Ultimate Opera Singer — Minion Damsel → (Day 4) Demon Fisherman
Kiiruma, Ultimate Pirate Captain — Minion Harlot
Otterpopd, Ultimate Pop Idol — Demon Mayor

Marluna, Ultimate Blackmailer — Townsfolk Spy → (Night 6) Townsfolk Fang Gu

  1. @Bionic
  2. @SirDerpsAlot
  3. @Leafia
  4. @Brakuren
  5. @otterpopd
  6. @Kiiruma
  7. @Litten
  8. @Silviu200530
  9. @Atlas
  10. @tutuu
  11. @Magnus
  12. @May
  13. @Amelia
  14. @Someone
  15. @Marluna

RIGHT! where do i start with this abomination. first of all i would like to thankyou all in participating in mine and snowe’s experiment. this was something new and different for this forum so i am so happy alot of people were willing to try it out. even if it got a bit messy at parts which i will get to in a second.
I wanna explain all the roles first then i’ll open thread for everyone to talk to


Lets start with our TRUE outsiders.
Bionic’s ability was funny enough. make a mutant that instead of being mad they are something else has to be showboaty and high strung about themselves constantly… However i forgot bionic likes to play like this either way so it basically made it look like he was playing himself. he did a fucking good job at it tho. however he was easily frameable

Magnus’s ability i have nothing really to say i liked the ability all in all. maybe could have put them in a more effective slot but i wanted evil to have a chance to shut down may with out killing her if she got too powerful


Our townsfolk. I am gonna start with the ones i regret to the ones i like

Brakuren/Marshal (Marshal is a MvP for another reason tho i’ll get to that) - I think i should have added something on to this ability… maybe a night protection? i just didnt connect the dots of their being multiple deaths per night. whoops.

Marluna - Should have given her the allignment to. not as strong as me and snowe wanted it to be.
We gave her roles that we thought she should know about each night giving her fisherman on the final night to try and point that atlas’s guess went through and now she is something completely different

everything else i think was fine. nothing i would add. @snowe can explain your picks for you litten if you wish.

Oh and derp had night protected Brakuren slot on the night of marluna’s resurection. if silviu ever came out that he revived marluna and killed tutuu that may have made the game go differently if derp outed the night protection. who knows.

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Fucking asshole bitchy dick Kiiruma ruining my motto of trackable poison. (love you) somehow convince most of town that a prisoners dillema is backwards and if both people agree to betray good stuff happens. sadly not how prisoner dilema’s work.

Atlas was in fact your damsel. who did a stella job. who was also given the minstral ability via may

AND AMELIA!!! marshal you dont understand how close you were. Amelia had the saint ability. if amelia was ever executed after atlas had changed. (which she did). evil team would have lost


And Pandora.

Our mayor who didnt give out any good deeds and actually never used her ability at all.