thanks for hosting you two i hope you had fun designing ^-^


my Saint list was pretty right tho I think I have to check

I am not gonna argue cause i feel like most of town is highstrung after this game.

but i think snowe and i did the best we could to balance this game.

and i am sorry you think other wise. i’ll try better in the future.

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So that’s why Tutuu was sober. Huh.

in my opinion the setup was slightly wolfsided at gamestart but it mostly went to wolves because wolf roles were designed with loud tells to counterbalance their really good abilities and the minions played overtime to disguise and mess up those tells


Its very impossible to tell when something is a good or bad ability, so like …

Especially double poisoner or bonus kill, that is insane

i made it very clear in the prisoner dillema thing
do you wish to betray your friends.

a prisoners dillema is meant to punish those who want to betray their friend. not reward them


it was super unreliable! if you just didnt agree to betray each other then kii cant get either of those

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I knew so damn much and acted on none of it

i didnt get that part too i knew i was sober coz my ability worked. why was i sober again?

However, anybody who knows the prisoner’s dilemma would know that usually 2 ally is the best thing for everyone. As it was in this case. And that’s why I had to work overtime to stop that.

I think the funniest part of the game was may sayinf I knew nothing when I knew the same amount as them

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I was angry cuz I thought Silviu was hiding something

You were sober because May’s ability had effects that lasted beyond their death… actually, no. My ability wouldn’t have affected the powers they had already sent out. Nevermind.

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we did have to hot fix may’s ability tho. cause she could have won day 1


That wording is jank af

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Oh yeah
so about my role

hazzy literally told me exactly why I got my card