I do understand that
I also hope you understand that I don’t ever kill magnus there since I’ve been setting them up as a demon candiate for a long time if I’m evil

Technically I’ve learned of a 5th possible candidate but you 4 are bigger.

Litten. Nobody kills Magnus there. Someone literally killed them. Whether it was by choice or because it was already set in stone idk. But Magnus was a candidate to everyone alive.

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Amelia’s played Clocktower a lot.

Someone couldn’t have done that, since they are dead and their abilities were shut off.

Abilities with “Even if dead” exist.
Think about the base characters of… Heretic, Politician, Puzzlemaster, Recluse, Spy…

I think you are overthinking it. There’s no reason for a vizier to be able to kill someome ar night

Who killed magnus then?

The demom

Who da fuq would make that kill?

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The person sitting next to magnus who magnus would have told them to make it. Again, killing them is unexpected and leads to this very discussion.

Look even if you end up being right, we’re not executing Amelia today.

And I hope you know the story tellers would never give you a reason to not kill anelia if I’m evil

Look Litten do you or Derps want to die today? You both choose.

Derp is good

Can we kill brak instead then

Actually do you mind if we whisper real quick

Brak is also good

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I just want to say one word

You’re evil but I enjoy this “(X) is good” thing

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