@otterpopd mind if we whisper

@Kiiruma sure

VOTE: SirDerpsAlot

Ooooh we could do a 3 way whisper.
That’d be a nice way to end my whispers.
Especially since I’ve not really had a proper convo with Otter either.

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This is funny because I was going to ask them why they killed magnus

Whisper with Litten and Otterpopd


@otterpopd if you accept then Litten can make a whisper and we can all chat.

So anwyay I negotiated with Kiiruma so derp dies and then we kill Amelia and Brakuren

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Btw @Brakuren I’m gonna pick you tonight because it’s entirely possible you’ve been poison locked to think that your ability has stopped whereas you’ve picked goodies. So if you can pick betray / agree as always then we’ll be able to get you sobered up.

I will note that I don’t think Derp is the demon because the hosts would be griefing if that was the case according to Kiiruma but it’s very evident that we just need to kill derp to prove me right or wrong and then we slaughter the rest of the people

Agreed, Derps is the vote for today sadly.

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I’m not voting with legion so you guys are gonna have to do it without me

I think Marluna should have learned a minion last night so that will be interesting I think, cuz evils had the chance to kill them and didn’t

Why do you think that? Marluna’s a spy (Claimed publicly) not a Balloonist

Im honestly kinda shocked brak is alive ngl

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Their spy ability allows them to see themselves as an outsider cuz they can register as that
From my perspective we need mechanical information that disproves some of the worlds going around and so I think they will get some helpful information


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