This is such a nuanced question lol

VOTE: Kiiruma’s Election

i told exactly kiiruma

Do we have a list of who Kiiruma’s picked all game?

@Someone How much have you lied?

…theyre currently evil, may

I’m aware.

is this a wifom gambit or are you hiding things

This is not a pro-town question to be asking publicly.

Remember folks. 3 minions and 1 demon.

If I’m hiding things, surely I want to hide the fact that I’m hiding them.


do you have another whisper, may

The grape gambit


N1: May Five of Swords

Future Sees deception, wants to win at all costs, will use underhanded tactics even if it means they need to play alone

N2: Tutuu: Reverse Magician

Reversed Magician Meaning
When you obtain the Magician reversed, it might mean its time for you to implement some changes. While right side up, the Magician represents true power, the reversed Magician is a master of illusion. The magic that he performs is one of deception and trickery. You may be lured in by the showmanship of his arts, but behind that there may be an intention to manipulate for selfish gain. Getting this card might mean that there is someone who pretends to have your best interests at hand when the opposite is true.

Consider whether this reversed the magician is in your circle, or perhaps might also represent your current state of emotions. It may mean you may become obsessed with power and that might lead to wrong, reckless decisions that will lead to your eventual downfall.

Translation: Tutuu will see deception against them or deceive in the future

N3: Litten - Reverse Chariot

Reversed Chariot Meaning
The reversed Chariot’s appearance in a reading can help you become aware of both your aggression, and your lack of willpower. It may either be saying that you are lacking in focus, motivation or direction, or that you are being warped by your obsession with your goals. In the former case, let the Chariot be a reminder that you can emerge victorious as long as you can gather the courage to do so. In the latter, your impulses may be another factor that you must rein in. To see the Chariot in reverse may suggest that you need to come to terms with the fact that you cannot always be in control.

The Chariot reversal meaning can also be an indication of lack of control and direction over your life. You are at the mercy of the opposing forces and the obstacles, and cannot seem to muster the strength to take over. You are taking everything lying down, and life is dragging in any direction that it pleases. It should serve as a wakeup call and reminder that you will need to tighten some loose ends and take charge of your destiny.

Translation: Advice, extremely forceful or not forceful enough

N4: Derp - Eight of swords

Upright Eight of Swords Meaning

The general meaning in the Eight of Swords is that of a feeling of being trapped and victimized. You may feel powerless because, in your mind, you feel that changing the situation might be beyond you. This feeling of helplessness that you have, the feeling that you have no agency in your life, has played a major role in making your situation worse.

Surrendering one’s power to an unknown entity, whether it’s fate, or God, the government or something else means that you are giving away your own personal responsibility to affect change. You have willingly relinquished the driver’s seat in the journey of your own life, and it isn’t going well for you. It is advisable for you to avoid making an important decision at this time since your judgment is likely clouded.

The good news is that because these traps are things that we create ourselves, we can also leave them if we put our minds to it. It is simply the matter of taking off the blindfold and seeing beyond the limited perspective that we created for ourselves - to see the possibilities, and to recognize that you have your own internal power.

Will feel powerless (feeling powerless means they feel like they can’t advance their win con), whether that is or isn’t the case isn’t stated



Yes but I’m going to be conservative with it

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I’m a townsfolk so you are lying

when is eod anyways

im not asking for it
i’m just curious if you’d offer