BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive


sorry on second thought id really rather be conservative with who i trust with my claim. and i dont really like lying as town i find it unnecessary risky. im probably not the right person to roleswap with or such, id rather be truthful as town :P

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Slim down your ability text, if you’re not communicating your evil deeds.

Just for consistency with real life, you all can visibly see that Magnus and I are making a bunch of funny faces at each other.

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My ability text would not be sufficient.

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I already full claimed to Brak despite me saying I wouldn’t claim

@Brakuren Is there room for his redcheck to be fake or is he 100% evil if I am good

/Consult Storytellers. :bookmark:

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On second thought there’s room you are telling the truth
But like
I will never do anything you say

Idk he talked in runes

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I needed a word document to understand my role

You all with complex roles and shit

I realised that AFTER I decided to whisper you

Atleast you know what your role does

And I feel like an idiot for it but I just saw you in the thread and was like oh I wanna do this with Litten it’d be fun

Sigh. I am frustrated.

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Did you express to the hosts that you planned to do this

Brak im pretty sure you’re ability does nothing until you die from the way you described it and you just claimed as an outsider that doesn’t want to die

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This seems angle shooting but its not I think
It has to do with my role

Fuck I used the wrong your