BotF Lizards - Thread 1 Archive

This just sounds dumb which is why it’s weird

You sound dumb

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Reread what you said.

You know what the ability is. You know what my ability does. Please put two and two together and figure out what I am implying

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Oh I figured out what you are claiming
Reread what you said publicly though


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Do you think I’m going to notice

You didn’t quite think through what you said, did you?


You clearly…didn’t here.

I think my plan is slightly different from what I implied it was to you in the whisper, because I didn’t fully trust you at the time. Is that the source of the discrepancy

Oh wait, we should have base two Outsiders.

You just did something really dumb, that’s what I’m saying.

I do that all the fuckin time

/Consult Storytellers. :bookmark:

If you’re my neighbour and you hear who it is please tell me

Listen I have already revealed way too much in public 'cause I’m impatient and I feel like an idiot for it. Litten you know for a fact you don’t have a redcheck on me and that’s final

did someone else claim outsider

You can think whatever you want about my alignment but the fact remains that that was not a redcheck even a little bit

I’m an Outsider