BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

i do i just think hes very unlikely demon

VOTE: Kiiruma

Dead votes go brrrr

im not registered in the bot this is so sad

anyway amelia just nommed him anyway so

VOTE: Kiiruma
VOTE: Hazardwaste

probably will not end day on kiiru but meh

Why? I think theyd play like theyve played this game as demon.

to put it bluntly kiiruma this game has had the subtlety of a brick and i think someone as experienced as him would play demon, a role that wants you to not have attention on you, Not like this

I agree with that!
I am good too so like :upside_down_face:

VOTE: IcetFeelsPain

This slot is doubleclaiming Chomps.
So like… probably W/V.
And since people have been building Me/Chomps, I’ll vote on Ice instead.

VOTE: Kiiruma

I barely understand how voting works here

It works by voting someone who’s not me :sob:
I’m not the Demon.
And worlds where I’m minion don’t work much unless it’s to Chomps or Mist.

fwiw i believe evil has a full grim (I literally have a full grim off public claims) and with bluffs they can poe my role + this helps with world building because people are actually online now!!!

I’m not actually TC but Innkeeper

Hippo had all my info and picks prior to this and told me to bluff TC to reaction test chomps ← hippo can confirm this

Innkeeper my ass.

Why would you need to say you were lying, you already did the day prior

Chomps info is interesting because of the no they got on kelsier (the claimed recluse)

Kelsier being a minion would yield a yes and kelsier being recluse would also yield a yes (to frame kelsier as a minion)

Even if kelsier is a minion and chomps is drunk a yes would be more beneficial to for the evil team to support kelsier’s recluse bluff

I think chomps good suggests a kelsier demon world with a SW which is weird considering kelsier’s claims d1

ight awake again let me catch up

That was me confirming I was joking about.
I’ve not backed off my Exo claim.

i never got why i get hazzy and wazza gets to have her full name what fucking bullshit is this


Chomps was poisoned by you.
And you decided to doubleclaim em to throw some shade there and distract from the true world