BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

yeah but why not klutz?

You make it sound like it’s crazy I can read and pay attention to yall :upside_down_face:

yes but i was claiming canni

i also gave kelsier chambermaid banshee

Yes, so Icet was claiming Cannibal to the Cannibal supposedly.
Which is funny.

But just goes to show that I can read into things by looking at messages posted by others.

You make it sound like you expect anybody to believe any of your claims.
Why are you not just evil who didn’t find a comfortable bluff early and have been claim switching since?

anyway while kiiruma struggles with that.

Why did st wanna frame Chomps over the person who is currently a demon candidate

you still havent answered whos my demon

both of you are demon candidates

Hazard? Wazza?
You’ve seemed to be happy to push onto me and Chomps but not to consider worlds where I’m ND poisoned.

i havent even considered you being good so

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My point. Your honour.

im not going to deal with mech this game isnt solvable through mech

chomps info and kelsiers behavior can be solved tho

this game is deeply silly

Chomps is the Drunk in a Baron game.
Outsiders are all confirmed.

Evil team is something like [You, Hazard, Wazza].
Nothing mechanical goes against it.

if you want to talk mech we can talk about the littlelee poisoned amelia demon world

ur poisoner amelia is demon chomps second minion

i didnt know that was a world in contention im ngl