BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

(as in, why do icet and hippo apparently decide to make this up)

It frames me/Chomps as a world like they’ve been doing today.

In a game where Good are winning, do you kill the Harlot’d Minion?

I’m going to immediately say Chomps has a good chance to be lying here but I want the opinion of Hippo and Icet first

The way I see it, Hippo wouldn’t waste a whisper immediately coming into Day 2 unless you claimed TC day 1, Hippo is far too mech focused to want a “social discussion” with an Outsider

Oh Wazza, I already think you could be droisoned too for sure.
I think droison has hit you, maybe me, Chomps too maybe

Yeah but that’s why I said if my B3 is real :person_facepalming:

i would like to see the reaction of hippo

@Zone_Q11 also fully forgot. you told me not to react too chomps claim of cannibal? why?

yoooo self vote and ate the fol classic

chomps is very distinctly obvious town can we pencil that one in

im not hard shielding chomps permanently or anything but i will argue against his execution unless someone has a very good case

Exactly, we don’t execute Chomps.

Good morning?..


between how he handled the cc and the way he jumped on ice/hippo here (generally against the grain mind) i think hes socially super villagery

Listen ulitmately icet amelia and wazza read extremely socially good and their mech is believeable (albeit incorrect in wazza case)

Kii chomps are clearly lying start and if were wrong Hazard is evil.

Imo theres far too many combos to figure it out today, we just need to take the most sus person off the board and that is kiiruma.

hippo can ya confirm everything IceT has said please?
Did he claim to you Innkeeper yesterday?
Can you give me his choices cause he wont?
Did you tell IceT to claim TC?

Hippo just dodged my accusation tell me that isn’t wolfy

why? isn’t this your first botc game? i think 1-2 people here only join botc mostly so what is socially good out of them for you?

I mean they didnt lie to me that they were mezepheles in a whisper so thats a good start