It’s not a thought process you’d think I have of “Anybody but me is a better execution since I know I’m good and therefore not a good execution imo”
especially when ya spent majority of the day calling IceT evil.
and then vote on me even tho you called me “Probably good” in the first half of the day.
cause in your words
I do think Icet is evil.
Ice has been building Chomps and me. And I know I’m good.
So automatically I’m gonna be more T!Chomps than T!Ice.
And I think you’d be evil with Ice? IDK, maybe that’s wrong but honestly if you or me dies today, I’m voting to try and ensure it’s not me.
I don’t know what I’m meant to think about you.
Fmpov you’re a minion instead of a Demon.
With Ice being Demon.
But people aren’t biting on that.
so why arent you voting him? and when did ya start thinking i was evil after arguing with people i am good. like Kiiruma your thought process is all over the place today
like you decided to not try and convince me. and instead tried to vote me
I don’t know WHAT I think because I’ve spent the majority of the game on the defensive and I’m trying today to not die. I’d love for Icet to go over but I don’t know how realistic it is for it to happen.
If I thought that I’d be able to convince enough people I’d be pushing for Ice without a doubt but I don’t know if I can
If I were to go back onto Ice the wagons would be Me on 4, then you and Ice on 2.
Who’s dying there realistically with only 3 hours to go?
Kiiruma have i voted yet.
No… so you could make it a 3-3 tie.
Would you?
not atm mate.
You have not gone into worlds where chomp is evil
You have tried to get amelia executed to try and confirm me?
You have done a random vote going against what you been arguing the entire day to save yourself
and this doesnt even equate to the bullshit with the king day 1 which i still dont fucking believe.
tell me right now why i should vote icet over you
Because I’m good.
And I don’t think the stuff I’ve done actually makes sense if I’m demon at all, nor makes sense much as a minion. I can admit there’s worlds where it makes ‘some’ minion sense but overall it makes more sense as good.
I just don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing when the entire game has been me fighting to be seen as good and to survive.
In worlds where Chomps is evil, I’m tunneled and pocketed right now.
My biggest issue is as well, I know that a decent amount of Chomps!Evil worlds probably list me as evil too.
I analysed the worlds of you/Chomps/Me and you/Chomps/Icet and you/Chomps/Icet/Me and those worlds don’t make sense to me due to the weirdness of bluffs and things coming across in thread. So then when thinking of Chomps’ teammates I can’t have a full solve which I think works.
The Amelia thing was moreso a comment I made because your ability hasn’t really been confirmable this game. Like I get executed here and you’ll gain the Exorcist ability (if I’m good), the Drunk’s ability (If I’m secretly drunk) or a Poisoned Exorcist ability (if I’m evil). Previously we’ve had every other execution be outed, the only one which wasn’t fully was Amelia. And well… yeah. I was trying to work out some way to try and verify you since your ability hasn’t done anything of note.
I’ve voted for Icet originally thinking Ice was the best execution.
Then me for a bit due to realising I’m probably dead and I shouldn’t fight to allow worlds to be eliminated.
Then you because I had a bit of fight come back but perhaps I shouldn’t, I don’t know what I’m meant to be doing.
As for the King stuff I’ve explained it before.
In short you think amelia is good. you wouldnt have wanted me to eat amelia if you thought they were evil
Look my issue is we literally cannot confirm you
In fact we can’t really confirm… anybody alive.
Except Amelia (If my assumption is correct and Amelia is Innkeeper claiming Banshee to cover for Icet’s 18th bluff)
your saying these things like its final 3.
i think your death right now can give more information.
and i am currently on the verge of voting you if you dont have any other person who you have evidence is evil
If Icet backs out of innkeeper… at all, I think Ice is just howling at that point.
Hip’s also failed to respond to Chomps’ ‘gotcha’ the entire day.
So I think there is a world in which Atlas was evil traveller to Hip who made him pass to a SW or Hip’s just like a Baron or something idk.