BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

no dashii specifically would point to you

other two who knows

Or wazza. We have a person between us

Wait your other sidr

well no if it was wazza you’d be no dashii’d anyway

unless you were a minion

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Yeah i would need to be drunk’d

And at that point you cant be poisoned

Well you could but st decided to give you correct info

Or the drunk.
It skips outsiders

oh does it


“Nearest townsfolk”

Outsiders arent townsfolk

The no dashii ability affects it’s two closest townsfolk neighbours - if somehow there were all the outsiders and all the minions in a line on one side of the no dashii and the closest townsfolk was 7 seats away they would still be the closest townsfolk and be poisoned

But again it would require for your poison info to be correct. Which again can happen but it would require some reasoning

it’s a wonder natural selection has yet to claim me

Nah BOTC is just mechanical hell

My safe haven where the threat of social reads cant hurt me

emotionally im feeling like this rn does this make sense


Confidently i can say we have at least 1 evil dead anyway. I dont think we would have all three evil alive

I got you. This script is actual hell

