BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

oh i see what you mean… hmm

The mech in this game really doesn’t matter

I’ve known Hazard as a Cannibal claim due to posing as the King D1.
So I’d have just had Hazard killed off right?

Would require a motive AND some sort of confirmation that Poisoner is in the game –the latter being something which you can’t prove.

actually yeah kiiruma got my HC day 1. they were the only person i HC’d to

That’s every world with no dashii poisoner

Kii minion doesn’t make sense imo

Why cant it be:

hazard no dashi
kiiruma scarlett woman
chomps poisoner

Zone / wazza poisoner, hazard points away from scarlet woman kiiruma. kiiruma and chomps defend each other and kiiruma now pushing that hazard a minion.

kiiruma demon told poisoner minion. who did kiiruma whisper after me? day 1

It can

cause both kiiruma and chomps are trying to kill me :/

Chomps tried to whisper me d1 but me being poisoned did nothing and i reckon they poisoned me

Kii demon haz SW works I just believe kii is starting demon

Mist information, unless you’re arguing that Mist was poisoned last night.
On top of this… socials.
I talked to Hazard D1 and as Scarlet wouldn’t risk claiming King before talking to my Demon first as Scarlet is the most important member of the evil team fully.

Hippo I have no clue what you are


What breaks this world

Kiiruma demon hears Me cannibal HC. 2 whispers later tells Kelsier to poison me due to being cannibal

That info does not matter.
Your N2 pointed clockwise.
I know I’m good. (Distance 1.)
The hypothesis was that Mistyx is Good. (Distance 2.)
Kiiruma is Distance 2.
Even if Kelsier is evil, he is Distance 3.
If you are Cannibal, then you were poisoned at N2 for whatever reasons.

The hypothesis is a Demon Kiiruma, so the only way you could be poisoned is by Poisoner…

…or Innskeeper. (But, the latter ought to be impossible.)

The thing which breaks this world is that it requires for me to have given my King status to Mist.
And that doesn’t make proper sense.

what the fuck is kiiruma doing doubleclaiming his Minion claiming King

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To be fair I claimed it first even :sob:

Plague doctor died and added a baron who added a drunk. Can be misty or wazza or icet, idk.