BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)


I mean he’s nominated now, we can just send it.

bitch you already nominated me. you cant redo the fucking pain

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For this to be true, there must be no Drunk.
Because Kelsier claims Recluse, and Canping claims Plague Doctor.

Then comes the matter of: “Who did Poisoner target?” But… all in all, this is a possible world, yes.

Hm. Sudden thought: I need @Amelia’s info.

Chomps whats ur town crier info king

no no yes

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chat would jarek magnus put no dashii and poisoner in the same game

Oh nice now hazard nominated choo choo

VOTE: Hazard

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Amelia has no information, Amelia is the Innkeeper.
I’ll further state that the world presented by Hip has one pretty big flaw which is that the Demon is claiming… Cannibal despite the fact that if town actually attempted to do so, it’d be super easy to disprove :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t have any info

I am Innkeeper, n2 I chose kelsier and mistyx, n3 I chose chomps and mistyx (well, my slot noactioned this one), n4 I chose canping and hippo to sink

I still want you dead Today though.
What happened to Yesterday’s I’m willing to be executed?
Kii nominated himself at D2.
Why did you not nominate yourself Yesterday?

i have two dead votes on me and i would prefer not to waste em

this is somehow the second game I have voluntarily sank innkeeper choices

so if these dead votes stay on. i would prefer me to go over and you guys lock the fuck in tomorrow

the first time I did I got PD pit-hagged and then fang gu jumped the same night

@Hippopablompoyeetus I’ll point out the biggest flaw in your world.
Which is that Icet and Hazard are beyond obviously aligned this game.
As soon as I start saying that Hazard’s just outed evil and minion at that, Icet pushes back on me and Chomps hard.

cause i didnt want to? it would be not only a town player killing themselves but a waste of a nom.
as i said yesterday. i agreed i should be executed and wont fight back against it. but i wont be nominating myself. i said it pretty publicly.


Au contraire.
She has info.
Info on Sayno’s action.
Who were protected?
Who were made drunk?
Whose info got falsified?

Hm… malfunction means “could be wrong”, but is not “definitely wrong”, right?

