BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

welcome to extension cord

I nearly fucking died.
I saw kiiruma claim king and saw mistyx reaction and instantly melted away

You say welcome like this isnt just nodashii

I know exactly why he did it. Cause he didnt see a king claim so took a gamble.

But also AHHHH

That makes sense tbh.

Plan was yo kill iceT but then IceT became a demon candidate which i didnt want to crush so i was kinda forced to keep him alive

Cause ties for some reason are one player dies and not both players live. If i killed IceT i just die final 3

I took a gamble one of my minions were awake. And lost the gamble

I think icet was one of the better mez turn choices

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If only we had a recluse in this game…

Indeed but i also kinda wished i ate him. And watched you guys deal with a fucking no dashii zombu

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If we had one at the start and you mez turned them with the plague doctor in as well?

hahaha you can see where I’m going with this

fun storyteller tip: register the recluse as evil to the mez so they turn a better role instead

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I needed to get more confirming cannibal kills as well… ah oh well i tried with what i was given.

This would technically work, but would then immediately be problematic as you’re essentially denying the mez their ability - and then also immediately losing them the game if the recluse pretends they turned evil

Hazard recieves his scp
“Wait i am a good guy?”

An evil recluse can benefit from a plague doctor ability, and they can catch a star-pass and become a full fledged evil player

There’s actually a big benefit to having an evil recluse honestly
