BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

Hell nah u are? LMAO

btw backread everything so far only kiiruma claimed something right?

Or did i missed something

Misty claimed king and said kiiruma wasnt

oh yeah just figured that out so its kinda conflict?

Dont think its a conflict think someone was covering or something

Which makes no sense seeing demon already knows king but whatever lol

i think they confuse the demon by making pro gamer move lol

Well they succesfully confused me but unfortunately im not the demon

sadly they failed :sob:

If the King is the Drunk evils wouldn’t learn who actually saw the King token so I could successfully trick evils into thinking I am the Drunk King and/or I could deter evil from taking the King which is usually a free bluff if not in play.

I also recognised during my first conversation about Mist having caught on to me. So unless you want to try and build Demon!Wazza worlds, you need to recognise I decided to do this as a ploy to trick evil and to reduce their claimspace.

what does it even mean?? does it have to hint something?, i thought it was the “post” itself that made you whisper them because they appeared like " i am here" rather than what it contained. i am not sure if it hints to anything. Same thing happened to me as i made my first post and Atlas asked me if they could whisper me.

Perhaps it’s just my experience talking here and I extrapolated something differently to you. But I read it as Mist kinda knowing I wasn’t the King either due to being such herself or being evil and knowing King was a safe bluff x3

I mean it only bluffs on demons not on us. So yeah

So I was trying to bluff against the Demon by being public about it? Yes. I don’t think that’s a bad thing

It would also trick us. I mean its not that bad too

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Oh no! Other good players not knowing my character! The horror! :3

Fr :sob:

So right now we know you are not king exactly

We will see how that one goes ig

so you were actually planning the king claim?