BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

Ok cool, so do we use normal forum voting witg bot and can just vote for one person at a time?

Or manual voting?

Additionally dead people unless otherwise specified by their own ability cannot nominate, and can only vote once before being unable to vote again

Pretty sure magnus has made this game vote bot friendly yeah. We’ll just kill the gamer with the highest votes that have passed the majority threshold. You can vote for as many or as little noms as you like. You can even vote someone to nominate them and then not actually vote to kill them if you wanted.

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Once they’ve been voted they’ll be considered a nomination so anyone else that decides to vote them even if they have 0 votes on them won’t be “nomming” them


Ive heard iceT could be evil and I like Zones nomination

VOTE: Icetfeelspain

Anyone want to whisper?

Votes and nominations on travellers aren’t considered a nomination for the sake of voting another player - you can start an exile vote (as chomps has) and also vote a player. Exile votes are also not considered for any roles like town crier.

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with zones claim i would rather exe zone than mistyx today

i think mistyx being the mez trying to turn kiiruma is possible especially given kiiruma’s willingness to die, and i obviously fundamentally trust zone

although it’s obvious why you’d think otherwise


meze weirdly makes everything work nicely

wowie meze is scary

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it’s the reason why i’m specifically harlot

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wanna whisper

my other choices were scapegoat, which i didn’t know if i’d be here long enough to take advantage of, bone collector + app, which mezepheles

i would, but that opens you up to being unconsiderable to my plan to “virgin” confirm someone, sorry.

im ok with that

you’re neighbouring chomps and hippo 'n they’re never gonna work with me so sure

/whisper icet 3/4

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/whisper atlas

