BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

kiiruma is different this game, but i cant tell.

Aha. …so I essentially “wasted” my nomination?


wonder if its possible that kiiru was a minion who thought i was another minion trying to signal him and then changed his read after i claimed king


Minions know all other minions tho?

oh youre right i was thinking of evil traveler mechanics

nvm ignore me


Yeah I uh… am just good x3
I just realised you’d picked up on something and beforehand was trying to prevent evil from claiming King x3

that doesnt really line up though? if there was a king theyd obviously know that so your claim doesnt really matter for that

If there’s a King, then the King should realise evils wouldn’t be claiming King and thus might consider whether or not to out.

If there’s not a King it convinces evil that I might just be the Drunk King and means they’re going to be presenting false worlds and building off wrong pretenses.

you are good
i thought i had you for a moment there

referring to your wolfgame anyway

i almost said:

why didn’t kiiruma explain his plan when mistyx claimed king to him? she “didn’t see any reason”, and i find it hard to believe kii would leave the whisper without a claim and mistyx w

but i noticed you all had a way out of that if i said it so i asked

i meant this as in “right after kii whispers wazza, he claims king, then right after mistyx whispers kii, she claims king”


VOTE: kiiruma

VOTE: mistyx

i’m willing to open up to the idea that mistyx is good and kiiruma is baron who’s trying to pair them (as she says), but there’s still shugenja stuff towards mistyx, and i don’t have any particular reason to distrust kelsier nor trust mistyx very much. i think i’d emotionally prefer kiiruma so i can wipe my hands and say i did nothing wrong, but logically speaking mistyx is always going to be a good kill here.

VOTE: Kiiruma

Kii is either a minion shenaniganing or a good mech player who says they should die ao either way im happy voting them

not “always”

what’s the word

Who claimed shugenja?

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was just about to ask this

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VOTE: Zone

Enjoy the afterlife lil bro

zone heavily implied it by saying he has info pointing to mistyx being evil