BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

Ah yes, I’m the Demon.
And I didn’t realise the King was in play because the King was Drunk (/s)

İf hippo was shugenja i think hed use a more clear word

To be fair Zone never hard claimed Shugenja.

“I wont say the claim cause it might give demon extra info”

“Anyway what hazard means is…”

i cant be drunk im not 21 yet

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is there anymore public info outside of this?

in australia you can.

unfortunately i’m not in australia

Look, I’m tired - It being 3:40AM. I’m on the block and trying to use logic and reasoning at this time which isn’t quite as effective as I would ideally want.

fuck i am sorry for your loss

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Theres a place where drinking is 21?

Well on the chopping block, not on the block (yet)

united states of a

İ thought it was 18 max for all places

Mech cleared cant be drunk then

3 hours eod gaming

taking this as a no.

idk i kinda also wanna kill chomps but that also feels boring and also kind of dumb

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any reasoning you wanna make public for it or just cause chomps.

Town crier is crying in a corner somewhere lul