Actually, what does poison do in general? I know that drunk equals malfunctioning, but does poison do the same?
Never mind.
I found my answer.
Poison is basically flavoured as evil drunkening.
If you’re poisoned and/or drunk your ability if mechanical cannot work, if you gain information this information may be correct or incorrect as determined by the storytellers.
Causes of >n1 malfunctions.
Inherent malfunctions.
Causes of malfunctions by evils.
Am I missing any? (I am not counting Mezepheles because that role in itself is a headache.)
Technically Boffin + Drunk can be a malfunction caused by evil.
Plague doctor could also give ST poisoner if out of game
And Baron (Into adding a Drunk)
Does anybody wanna chat? I’ve got my 4 whispers still
Weekend ppl be busy at unusual times so harder to do whispers ngl
i just lurking
I have a red ping on u if i didnt is whisper with u
Also cuz this my first game if u vote me ever its rlly mean
Hm… at first I wanted to vote you, but that would be too predictable; too boring.
So instead I’ll vote the person beneath you on the player list.
VOTE: Icet
Icet could be evil tbf
im not evil trust
Open for
do you wanna whisper