BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

İ dont remember it being there a year ago ish when i played jackal returns

I would but i think ur most likely evil out of everyone. Cld whisper anyway seeing as no one else wants to whisp me ever :cry:


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Dont feel like we could even have a productive whisper then

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Yeah its probably a waste. Gl tho king im rooting for you


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No different than when I was alive.

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Zone id be down to whisp

Greetings, I will point out that if people are suspicious of Chomps and Kelsier for EoD (Which, I’m not, as I was a rough execution and I think them helping me was towny) then we need to bare in mind what this says for the Shugenja information Zone had.

Open for whispers as always
Btw before canping says anything i confirm whatever he says

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İm 99% sure what he is going to say so

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Can i steal one of your whispers so i have 5 and you have 3?

Ye, I’m down for that.

/whisp Kiiruma 1/4

/Accept (1/4)

Yeah I have no clue what you are doing!!!

Idc about chomps being in TC info we had 4 nominations and one of them is dead and the other is me

It’s super sus to join TC so late without saying anything lol

Anyways I have info that incriminates chomps!!! (real)


/whisper @Hippopablompoyeetus (1/4)

@Zone_Q11 @Canping can we whisper

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