BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

Thank you.

zone meet me

is it a… hardclaim of any sort
something that could point to them being good

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@IcetFeelsPain you wanted to whisper me earlier, i am available. Whats the thing with kelsier? I have their claim


Eh, sure. (Who makes the PM?)

/whisper @Chomps (2/4)

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It’s almost as if Hazard is Australian.

you please i made the last one


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shugenja info

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@Canping what were ye?

plague doctor

people think mistyx is good, for a reason i’m unsure of, and kelsier is the next in-line for shugenja


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Hey STs if you have a mez word, hit me up :3

who did you tell this to?

no one


What did you claim to people?

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who did you speak to

you mightve said a demon bluff


i have claimed to kelsier once, bu it wasnt pd

kiirumaa is backing misty up and i feel like if misty is literally the demon A) thats kinda bs to put demon next to shugenja and B) kiiruma wouldnt be so obvious