BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

But also theres no downside to killing a recluse and theyre probably not a recluse so bye bye?

Correct. That is a possible world.

Do you think thats more likely than kelsier just being evil

Well we should bare in mind we’re at base 2 outsiders.
This could be 4 if Baron.

i am waiting kelsier to post before telling about them further


but its way more fun just jumping to conclusions and gossiping about them

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I’m just asking if the 2nd in the 2 is a ‘meh’ claim :pleading_face:

i fear that i might have misinterpreted their whispers but i doubt, is why i want to wait for them elaborate. i already have spoken about stuff about kelsier when i was told not to.

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me dying n1 is suspicious as f

what is this about, hm?

i have come across a revelation in my line of thought

Ruh roh.
What might it be?

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something i would elaborate on without prompting had i desired, really


yo guys i think ive solved the game

as i said, i think kelsier is a decent execution because of the shugenja info + weird claims
that doesn’t change with this

by the way, one of you could’ve become a hidden drunk last night

if only there was someone who could detect that

A dead vote is only expended at EoD.


I am a little suspicous of Atlas too but lets leave them for today

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i just need a bit of time, and someone everyone trusts. you have my fullest wishes to exile me d3

i think both dead players are good

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