BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

Also how are only 3 ppl roles unconfirmed, i havent talked to anyone who can confirm their role lol

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We’re on 10.
Assuming execution + death this means that we have 2 kills per day/night cycle.

We’d be on 8, then 6 then 4.
3 executions before final 4.

Other than king with choorboy and washerwoman theres not really anything that properly confirms and even then there can be drunk and poisoning etc

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Where does traveller harlot happen in night order? I might be willing to reveal to atlas depending on how stuff goes today. But only if atlas happens at end of night

Well. It’s less of a “confirm”-confirm, but at the very least it can imply that others are X.

For instance, me being Shugenja detecting evil in Mistyx’s direction implies Hazard is good.

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*looks at “Cannibal” in the character list*

I.e., the reason why I was willing to die.

You claimed shugenja publically, if cannibal is a bluff it would be easy to claim shugenja info after your exe lol.

But yeah in other circumstances (aka u hadnt claimed…!!!) a cannibal could have confirmed themselves

Ftr i might be wrong on who cannibal is but i think theyre good

Speaking of Cannibal… Hm… It was weird.
They can (and should) explain why Tomorrow.

Do the maths of the circle and figure out who it points to

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The things with the cannibal were weird?

Does it point to a player whose name rhymes with Ziiruma by any chance

If so then yes, that would be weird unless there’s other evils in the path between us.

Also I’d think that when you say “They can and should explain why tomorrow” that you mean that privately rather than publicly.

Yeah. During our conversation, the claim was not a singular one. They were like: “If I’m Cannibal, then […]. I’m either Cannibal or […].”

But like, dafuq…? You need context to understand my confusion, but again: Whisper Tomorrow, massclaim Today, or massclaim Tomorrow.

Thats what everyone does tbf, ive been doing thag too to both give out info and hide my role.

No no, we’re not massclaiming today or tomorrow. Are you nuts? :eyes:

I mean would be nice for someone to share who the cannibal - shugenja info implicates publically today. Doesnt need to come from cannibal and can obsfucate cannibal identity if you want.

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im the cannibal shugenja d2 is counterclockcounterwisecounterclockcountercounterwisecounterclockcounterwiseclockwiseclockclockwise