i am treating it like Forum Mafia x DnD and kinda just roll with the punches and have fun
@Wazza this is going to be an odd question, but: “Would you like to risk death in order to clear your name?”
zone whats the opposite of benevolence, asking for a friend?
Tbf I was evil traveller
I literally said I claimed to be death fodder
This is a question that was already answered by me stating I am willing death fodder here
Okay bedtime for me tho bye bye
Replace ben with mal.
Cool, but also: You are of a lesser priority than Hazard at the moment IMO.
I need to secure info about Hazard.
I need to confirm he is Townsfolk.
Clearly this is because we are good St’s
He could be a minion but that’s it fmpov
For all intents and purposes, I would go right after innkeeper, i think
i think so too
i’d like to pick anyone in hazard/yourself/wazza
i wasn’t inplay when your ability was considered
same shtick with the shugenja
again, zone isn’t evil cause of all of
for the record, one of my primary worlds so far is that wazza is the drunk. i thought of this before they even outted
(this is because zone basically pubclaimed shugenja by pushing mistyx, and the only other player they whispered was me before that)
That does work if we’re building Evil!Kelsier which I’m aight with building.