BotSCP - Special Containment Procedures (4/12)

Also, phrasing

if he gets back in time

i’m really indifferent on who i speak to in order

\whisper Atlas

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Now im dead id like to have zones info before/during we try gamesolve cuz he knows more.


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there we go

zone_q11, hippo, care for a three way chat?

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/whisper hippo, zone (2/4)

/accept 1/4

/accept whisper Atlas, Hippo (1/4)

Currently no. no one really wanted to talk to me yesterday lol.

if you reckon you can tell me your plan in 15 words use neighbours instead

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good meowrning

terminus. which means the end.

Im walking to seminar but lets talk soon

alright then. i think it’s about time.



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either you wanna a chat today?

Woo whatever that means

/end whisper

I have less of a plan and more of questions to ask you. …well actually, one question primarily.

It involves the whispers we had: Why did you give out two answers?