Unironically I’m more likely to whisper as a good traveller than an evil one
As an evil traveller, I have all the info I want, I know my demon, who cares about the riffraff at that point
If people whisper me then I can extort info
Shrug, can’t say the same for Atlas, just wanted to bring it up
Anyway I just wanted to bring up the potential chance I’m poisoned, I doubt it but shrug, just wanted to let you guys know
oh, and bringing it up now, we could possibly hardconfirm someone if i pick them at night without any possibility for discussion between us and then say their role.
granted, we’d probably die for such a stunt, so be careful.
Ending whisper.
By the way @Kiiruma, that was exactly the game I was referencing.
AFAICR it was my last BotF game as well, prior to this one.
Ill meet u atlas
i have an evil ping on wazza btw
Howdy just being able to join up
this sounds like prolly the best use of my ability
come d2, if anyone is willing that i haven’t spoken or am near to, i’d like to do something like this.
don’t say it now but
ill be able to backread all of these stuffs just kinda busy now
I’d point out that’s not possible. But I mean we are talking about you doing shenanigans.
And the closest thing to an evil ping right now would be a Shugenja direction or a Chambermaid discrepancy.
You got any whispers left?
I have checks watch 4 left.
/whisper Kiiruma (1/4?)
But I mean honestly I should just come out.
I am the King of our castle.
You make
why are we all whispering