Chair of Deception 2 - Game Thread - GAME OVER - UNSHACKLED AND TRICKSTER WIN

So why do people think pigeon is a hit now how did that happen

Cult and Unshackled but yes

It’s not shade. It’s how I feel.

That has nothing to do with it being impossible to win if you die.

Will give them later. Too tired right now.

I’d honestly be willing to vote for either Guava or Kiiruma to be king right now.

I don’t like how Ranta is acting myself.

Wait, I’m your top town? Why? This is setting off alarm bells honestly. There were a lit of people more villagery than me D1.

It has everything to do with the fact I will not care about the game if that happens

I just think their posts have been individually a bit sus.

Out of everyone during EoD I felt like Pigeon had no real reason to be where they wanted but were trying to get by without no-voting as sometimes people hyperfocus on those who don’t vote for whatever reason.

lemme tell u a secret

whispers: “i have no idea what I’m doing”

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You outed yourself in a way which felt similar to some of your town games.
I can see some people’s arguments for why you can be wolf and I’m not dismissing them but I just think it’s more likely that you’re town who’s trying.

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All his 3 wolfreads are people who voted him last day, so I am pretty sure he is just playing for himself. :moyai: :

I mean he is playing for himself, but he genuinely seems to at least be trying somewhat.
I’ve admitted I think he’s a harmful neut but he still townreads me despite that.

Honestly haven’t seen pigeon post anywhere but I see his name being floated around so maybe some players are sensing something.

You caring about the game has no effect on town’s ability to win.

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Have you caught up on Leafia’s most recent wolfgames?

okay my patience with you is over I am talking to other people

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Zorvo gave more content and more effort than a fair amount of us to be perfectly honest.
Plus a lot of discussion revolved around Zorvo, but this wasn’t his own fault… it’s just because of the claim he made.

Transparency isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Sure he could be another neut or a bad guy faking a neut but eh, I’ve heard no other claims so I’m chill with it for now.

[quote=“Leafia, post:1219, topic:4157”]

Well I ain’t allowing wolves to night kill my target.

I’ve looked through some games but it’s hard to fully remember which is town and which is wolf for every individual player so I’m mostly thinking through my own memories of what Leafia!Town acts like sometimes.

Don’t want Pigeon’s?

Give and Take Process.
Sorry if I missed them, but I’d like to see your reads.

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Could you skim Leafia’s ISOs in these two games, Kiiruma?

Pigeons content been a bit lackluster, but he also was pretty consistent. So idk what to make of that in context of current wagon.