Someone suggested leaving zorvo for marquess to kill. But that is a bad idea, because there are possible starting wolf roles that can benefit from that. Just a few examples.
Juggle (Night) - Make everything targeting the chosen player fail tonight. Cannot target the same player(s) on consecutive nights. - Infinite Uses
Flesh Wall (Night) - A player of your choice will become immune to death this night. Any player that attacks them will die the following night unless healed. Can self target. - 2 Uses (Acolyte)
Damocles (Night) - Make a player unable to be visited by any member of the Azure Dragoon the following night. They will be informed of this. - Infinite Uses
Dirty Work (Night) - Target a player with one of the following effects - Infinite Uses
Intercept - Roleblock a player. Cannot target the same player on consecutive nights.
Stalk - Determine who visits the target player. You will also learn if they can be converted.
Hired Goons - Make a player immune to death tonight. (Luminary)