Chair of Deception 2 - Game Thread - GAME OVER - UNSHACKLED AND TRICKSTER WIN

Not a single time, one read was said by Ranta?

I donā€™t believe so unless Iā€™m missing it.

Kiiruma, Iā€™m afraid its quite obvious you did kill
If you dropped Guava, youā€™re cleared

I believe marq killed n2, aswell

standard NK mustā€™ve went through

Two more kills

We have someone who claimed Physician.
It is wise to allow her to exhume if she is legit.
But I do slightly like that she didnā€™t fully realise that she wasnā€™t able to heal Jarek due to Zorvo.

After all the kill on Guava could have been by myself or by other AD members quite easily, yes?

this is all i can think of

im assuming opportunism and wilting flower

Not many AD can kill n2, Iā€™m afraid.


I mean there are still multiple methods at least.
So itā€™d be worthwhile to exhume

NE, Assassin, me, Marquess, Inquis.
Itā€™s a good opportunity to potentially prove a physician here.

Correct, but we should still think about what happened

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I doubt Inq exists with Zorvo being Neut tbh

Likely, mhm

Unless Zorvo lied and is actually Inq

This is news to me

Someone attacked guava, Marq, King, or whatnot
Who was on one of the good four players
Who died

Itā€™s Yami who bled. Not Garfooled.

Didnā€™t you claim houndmaster
And jarek was begging you to stab him