Chair of Deception- Game Thread (4/17) - Game Over! Unshackled, Trickster, and the Decadent King win

Imagine sleeping at that time. Can’t be me.


I’m going to be honest with you.

Both scum teams have many ways to bypass heals and immunities.
But few ways to bypass watcher.

So instead of functioning as protevtive on Marq, you out your role and go for a king.
Even going for it without claiming would be fine.

However by claiming AND being elected you weaken already thined abilities to react to kills.

Take assassin for example - tonight they can bypass healings. And with 2 immunity protectives and watcher being out of picture, what is going to stop them from just killing Marq?

That’s why your claim is purely bad.

You painted target at yourself and make Marques more likely to be killed.

That’s utter lack of situation awarness if you are town.

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OK but consider the fact that I think being king would be more fun than being “Prince babysitter” which is exactly what I hate in any social deduction game ever; babysitting the power role. Sure outing myself isn’t the best play but I’m playing for fun and I don’t think spamming stake-out on the prince is fun.

I’m not really sure I like your slot considering your blind faith for Orange and the fact you were pushing on atlas for “talking too much”, but there’ll be time to prove me wrong I’m sure

can someone give me cliffs

One night would most likely be enough.

Then act depending on what you saw during that night. Then you could possibly find who is or isn’t a protective.

But yeah, claim itself was bad and makes sense as a mean to get bonus cred before town election at most.

So you get 0 points for it from me.

And since you were aware of it, depending on a site you play at policy - this could end up in bans, as you claim to sacrafice some of town position, just to have fun yourself.

And I don’t want to have “troll or scum” as lord.


Is that enough?

Way to take what I said out of context and assume I’m a troll. I’m done talking to you.

Said person whose answer on my whole acusation is being stuck on a word “troll” and not answering the actual content.

Sure, let’s get abck to word “utter lack of thread awarness”. Will you now explain why you thought it’s good idea to do that on any way other than “fun”?


On that note, do I seem like I’m pushing Jarek rn?

@Jarek is your new Lord!

Oh, I do adore the smell of democracy.


Thank god.

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I actually play the game past D2 and don’t have to push myself, great

@Jarek Would you kill a person I tell you to kill?

If it had sound reasoning. I’m not against it, but I have to admit insinuating I’m a troll because I didn’t do what you thought was best is a bit of an insult

Most likely I’m gonna talk with the Marquess and someone else tonight and see what they want to do because I can use both day abilities anyway

Notice quotation marks around that troll part.

One of the functions of quotation marks is to indicate words used ironically, with reservations, or in some unusual way.

I do not consider you a troll. Hoever I do consider your actions were simlar to what one would take.
And I think I did explain fairly well why.

Well that’s fine, I’m not a troll though. I have my reasons and I’m not really in the mood to explain them considering it’s pointless now and wouldn’t progress the thread

Alright. Good start.
I’m glad Jarek’s our King

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I mean, I have all rights to consider your actions as bad. But I’m not name-calling you. And let’s leave it at that.