Chair of Deception- Game Thread (4/17) - Game Over! Unshackled, Trickster, and the Decadent King win

4 kills cannot happen without 4th kill being convert on Eli.

Assassin can do 2 kills
Baron can do 2 kills
Cult can kill only 1 person

1 kill comes from King.

Unless you think there is Inquisitor around, who guessed one of the flips (none of them claimed), 3rd kill comes from a convert on Eli.

Ergo - scum has 2 people, not 3.

Ergo - you cannot have scum majority today, even with NE.

Is it enough to get your interest? @Arctic

Physically impossible
Scum gets two convert chances N1
Marquess is the only non-convertible town
They would have to have a second neutral non-evil, in which case it would still require orange to have been trickster

So you’re just scum

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I guess arctic was right lol

pinches nose
Me: points out statistical facts
You: “lol scum”
really inspiring faith there, Jarek

Is there any reason you’d try and argue that the person arguing for the neutral to vote with town shouldn’t be voting with town


Even if there are flaws in the argument they’re making there’s really no need to point them out unless you’re evil and trying to do the opposite.

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as much as i hate to say it
arctics not a fucking idiot
trying to influence him to help town with lies is just more likely to get him to vote with scum out of spite


arctic is many things
many of those things are things that i dislike
stupid is not one of them… sometimes.

You see, hitting neutral AND neutral evil with convert, while stupidly unlikely, is doable.

Hitting 4 kills is mechanicly unpossible without one of them being convert.

We live in a weird world.

You know I feel like this’d suck way less if half the game didn’t dogpile onto protecting one person who wasn’t even the marquess

@Arctic just try to side with town, if town doesn’t have a chance, so just try to win with town

One of these games I want to be evil so I can laugh at town doing this instead of going :expressionless: again

*of town doesn’t have a chance you still win

Dogpile amelia with votes boys

Well I mean

He was an uncontested marq claim :joy_cat:


should I just give up instead of put an effort in to win?