Chair of Deception- Game Thread (4/17) - Game Over! Unshackled, Trickster, and the Decadent King win

You’ve been here, you’ve been posting… Do you think it’s bad that people aren’t finding you towny? Do you think someone is pushing agenda? Why are you just shrugging it off mostly?

Idk how to answer this but
I’m in a weird position where I’m basically untouchable today so I don’t really feel too… obligated to defend myself rather than just find the solve?

And after today, we will hopefully have a wolf flip to analyze :tm: and find spew for.

Also I’ve found most people are kind of… turning around their read on me? Besides arctic (haha funni neut) and Gorta (who I don’t think has ever posted a case on me lmfao), so I’m just… not worried I guess

Words can not describe how much I wish to vote you for saying this

I know thats the best part

Regardless, we need to teambuild imo
If it’s cult, cult leader passes on
If there’s no converts, Luminary passes on
We need to block the convert tonight

I mean yeah fair enough

I feel like cloned is gonna be the lynch so we could probably start there


Amelia trying to ML me here with BS wagonomics

I’ve given reasons time and time again why I’m more trustworthy than sand

And yet people just seem to ignore it


but you didnt though

well you did, but people obviously disagree with them

If you disagree just tell me instead of ignoring me :sob:

How are you the only one engaging with me

I mean I don’t even remember your case give me a second unless you wanna repost it


Just say Capy calling my wagonomics wrong; it isnt, I’m just saying that it’s pretty clear wolves dont have majority, either because they dont have NE, dont have arctic, or both

this is the only moderately damning thing in your entire iso, cloned

i meant case
not iso

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on the flip side to that, my claim makes sense

I’m saying that if there is a wolf in sand/me, it’s sand

what’s the damning thing in my ISO, then

what, you think ive read your iso?



then why aren’t you voting sand ):<

is that you