Was still infurating to get occ spammed and then they go “I occ spammed this guy kill them” and then they just do
Chair of Deception- Game Thread (4/17) - Game Over! Unshackled, Trickster, and the Decadent King win
you tried being occ immune?
works wonders
After being occ spammed for no reason for 3 nights straight yes
If I was ever a knight claim the butler would immediately get CS’d through his party and die and then salt
Thankfully for you, Knight is occ immune here so you can CS the Butler… still N3 because of how it works
Except for one time where there was a bug that made party bypass occupy immune so I got occ spammed for 3 nights as mastermind trying to convert a butler claim to win (he was the only person left to convert) and then when I got occ immunity he threw a party which made him occupy me again through the occupy immunity
I was so annoyed
Just get jailed 3 nights in a row 4Head.
scum can’t kill you if prince already is
no it’s all mine
i need it because im really involved in this game and it’s hard work
actually we were talking about tol
If you can’t pass the copium can you kill me N1 just to prove crich wrong
Then why are you calling the prince the prince
most of the time it’s “fucking idiot who lost us the game by executing that knight claim instead of the NK”
but that’s mean
I don’t make the rules
No not you im occing you tonight
that would imply i have some involvement in this game so unfortunately i cannot grant this wish
Well fuck
jarek your bullying is getting out of hand
we need to sit down and have a talk