Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

That’s a surprise. I didn’t think she was the type to be close to anyone.

Confirmed good.

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Thots on silvu?

Anyway L.una taking that long to respond indicates they might have been consulting the hosts first.

Anyway at least since Lacksadaisy is over I can just concentrate here.
I honestly had just given up part way through, it was demoralizing.

I’m going to win this game.
Just don’t forget, when I flip. Read my flip in full.
Alignment cops should not check me.

that sounds more like town kiiruma

to write or not write a full lean list on day 1
last time i did that I got n1’d…

Listen here you little shit.
You don’t get to town read me for that >:(

Kiiruma. I’m waving a flag at you. Do you respond?

Do it coward

Yes hi, I respond. I’m truly lost out here.
Or at least I will seem to be if a cop checks me lol

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yes! yes! thats it!


Determination is a town trait from you and you know it

You’re doing an impressive job of convincing me that you’re not threatening but we need to kill you anyway.

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Actually, you don’t.
You’ll see later in the game if all goes well.

I am also lost, but I want to veto a Kiiruma wagon.

it turns out all the ancient spirits are actually lost wolves nya


It’s a Poppygrower Legion game.


Oh for sure bestie.
I have mechanical info why this isn’t the case actually but shhh