Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

im letting sabi help me make the decision
so debatable
i just didnt rlly feel like being alone with you

k, well im going to take a shower

Ya now i remember, the whole mech clear rhing, atlas has been exceptionally townie either way today

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worlds fastest shower

also vulgard if youre gonna bitch, then at least square tf up and bitch at me directly

I didnt actually take one yet, i was reading another game and now im back here again

Bun do u have a town game i can read?

Correction do u have a wolf game i can read, is what i meant

you have a towngame of mine youre supposed to read
did u forget

never wolfed on FOL
or SV
i also havent wolfed in almost a year and i uh
barely played so

ā€œI notice when garbage is postedā€ is true! You noticed it all earlier! You mentioned it in the post and fun fact you never called it out until I started questioning luna. This is why I asked the question!
Being in kiirumaā€™s role card isnā€™t a reason to not talk about the goings on between luna and kiiruma. Everything you mentioned to do with it is just an overextended ā€œluna is in kiirumas rolecard so ur dumbā€. Stopping to question why that is and what the implications of that are is healthy!
I donā€™t know why youā€™re bringing up killing either of them when I am simply asking questions, Iā€™m not looking to kill them and I think that clearly isnā€™t where I was going with this

Thereā€™s a distinct pattern of you responding to things Iā€™ve said by reiterating fact as if it answers the question when said fact is why the question exists in the first place. I donā€™t think Iā€™m ever gonna get around that and I donā€™t think youā€™re willing to so how about we stop talking here, shall we?

K ill just call u town then and move on

That was toeards bun not jaiden


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they only ever played dangan werewolf it would seem

my brother in christ ive been playing mafia since 2014

on this site

legally correct

i know itā€™s correct
it took me all of 20 seconds to comb through all the games youā€™ve played on this site

ive also played a misc where i was mafia :point_right: :point_left: