Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

w!Beancat usually finds it easier to find motivation than v!Beancat does. I don’t think the “dead inside” playstyle is inherently AI because they have slanked as evil before, but in both the Love Is War and Lackadaisy games they caused waves and they haven’t done that here. v!Beancat is usually just there.

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shes not even “just there” she’s just “not there”

Well, fine. v!Beancat is the ultimate low hanging fruit and w!Beancat can make you second guess yourself.

she had 62 posts so far
she’s not really “lhf” material anymore

last time i remember seeing someone say this about her she was a villager

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I feel like 62 is still LHF if most of the players have broken 100

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the n1 kill had 69 posts
i think you could do more in that little time then she has
i can’t remember anything about her but her claim, when she usually is somewhat memorable, even in fam3

??? you just have this information

lowkey busted

why does this message make feel so uneasy

because you all are cowards and refuse to claim any little bit of your role that isnt absolutely necessary which is really scummy

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i literally claimed the main part of my ability yesterday

Maximillien having no flavor text is a case of my adhd and being a dummy and forgetting. its not game relevant. -night


That being Ruby. Did you use their postcount over Creature’s because it was lower and to prove a point?

My initials are A.D.V
I have already stated that he is a introvert very to himself to the point that he is usually unnoticed by many.

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Day 2 Votecount

Magnus (4): Kiiruma, Litten, Italy, Sadbi
Wisdom (2): L.una, min
Sarasvati (1): WindwardAway
Jaiden (1): Jarek
Scorbunny (1): Vulgard
min (1): Artemis
Kiiruma (1): guavagudetama

Not Voting (12): Zenon, Silviu200530, Hazardwaste, beancat, Jaiden, Atlas, Frostwolf103, Cassandra, Scorbunny, Magnus, Millium, Wisdom

If everyone’s outs their roles without a benefit, evils get to know everything.

because it was “necessary”, either because you wanted to setup something to confuse town or get info out

why wouldn’t i the point literally was having low posts means its okay to not be memorable or contribute when ruby got killed

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I was wondering if it was a TMI slip but that’s stupid.