Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

P-Pure Silviu? :scream:

I’m sorry I know I said I would stop talking about this but I have no idea why anyone refuses to consider the possibility that it could literally just be different wolf KP.

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I would consider that, yes
I was mainly asking what Vul’s reasoning was because I don’t think it’s clearing for Litten regardless of whether the double factional is true or not, or whether it came from Litten breaking post restriction or not. I just don’t think it’s clearing for anyone.

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Where am i

There must be at least 6 wolves. I wonder where are they

I’m really struggling because I can’t name anyone in the game without something solid going for them.

I am still fairly confident on Sabi being town, though.

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I would like Bean to explain what they meant by anti-claim.

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VOTE: Vulgard

I am going to press this button and not think more until I need to.

True plus my role is conformable and town

This doesn’t mean anything in a bastard game.


Yes but also my prizes havent been negative for min/wind

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Tbf you chose winners without knowing who was who
But yeah i get what you mean, the only way I think it could be a wolf role is if you’re somehow bound to give prizes to town because you also copy the item to give to a wolf each time
But that’s stupid because you gave 2 prizes, and giving 4 prizes in total, with 2 to town and 2 to wolves, is ridiculous

Anyway this whole post was unnecessary but I decided to just thoughtvomit lol

Also I still think min is town, if that wasn’t clear

I think I know a wolf but the thread would hate me if I am wrong.

It’s someone who isn’t a wagon, isn’t it


At this point I feel like I should be more open to listening to others’ wild wolfreads
At least it’s gotta be more interesting than the current game state
Cause I don’t think the current state is so good
Even if you decide to like, call me a wolf, I’ll just let it happen because it generates some new discussion

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are you kidding me your argument is based on the fact that i am saying I’m town
Generally, I prefer to attack the argument rather than the player because attacking the player
 is mean and doesn’t help anything?

Second of all I’m getting sick of this entire “jaiden is scum because shes low motivation” shtick that keeps on getting echo’d around because every time it is provably false. This happens every time I’m low motivation. SEE: that morbius game, pokemon fm
My motivation varies wildly and, as shown on multiple occasions, is generally diminished by significant amounts of posts while I’m asleep
It really doesn’t help that most of this game has aligned with a significant amount of brainfog making it much more difficult to manage those large quantities of posts. It’s a viscious cycle which I’m trying my best to break out of

Yes, I started responding to you, but that doesnt mean I wasn’t the one who brought up when I claimed town?? Because I was??? It was my response which brought up the timing of the posts and I made a point out of your progression on it not making sense. I called you a coward if you remember. Because you’re self pressing and disguising it as a genuine read

idk why you can explain 1. but not 3. when I say what. The statement didn’t make any sense and was confusing I was looking for clarification

Thoughtvomit all over me

