Chapter I - The Jutting Watchtower - Red Burns (Night 3 - 17 Remain - Thread 1)

I would be happy to do this.


Yeah because the options seems to be to shrugyeet or get vetoā€™d

I donā€™t really know why Marl wolf read Litten

VOTE: Litten

Fixing this.


Honestly im not going to beat a dead horse, but town u had a chance to maybe fix this game state but u choose the evil route

Qith 6 evils and the collective reads being all over the place, jarok was an extremely bad shot

And honestly u might even pay the price for it

Because u chose an even worse way to handle it by going all woe is me

I still think magnus is evil for whatever itā€™s worth

Yeah, thanks, didnā€™t ask.

I stoll think vulgard is evil for what its worth
But i also dont haye the kiiruma wagon right now either

But i want to trust u

So idk

You seem to have the exact opposite reads as I do

Kiiruma isnā€™t even here to defend himself.

Because he thought Litten was answering with a ā€œnervous nyaā€ to a reaction test
But Litten was post restricted


Ya which is why ur my wolf read lol

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Iā€™m not going to contribute to a wagon I donā€™t believe in. I donā€™t expect Littenā€™s wagon will go through today, but I do intend on shooting him tomorrow if it does not.


Thatā€™s why I think itā€™s pretty pointless for me to push him
I mean I donā€™t completely think heā€™s scummy, I do want to actually talk to him more
Iā€™m just not sure what Iā€™ll think by tomorrow but I donā€™t intend to kill him today

If magnus doesnā€™t flip wolf then please do shoot me

Iā€™m mad I didnā€™t just holster the one-shot neighborizer I had until a night that didnā€™t have two kills

What can i do to get you to shoot me? Lol


I really needed to talk to a villager but whatever

Iā€™m sure youā€™re aware that wolves are more likely to be agreeable and somewhat follow consensus so they can steer it their way rather than having reads that will make them stick out.

aaAAAAAAAAA i got a hot choccy hi all :3